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Covid-19 Safety Policy Update

Update 03/08/2020

With the escalating Victorian crisis and cases being reported across Sydney we are stepping up our Covid Safe Policy.  We have written our Covid Safety Plan and now registered as a "Covid-Safe Business". From Monday 3rd August we will be adding/continuing the following measures to protect everyone in the FoodSt community:

1. Face masks have been made mandatory for our pickup drivers (when picking up meals from our cooks kitchens) and for staff in the warehouse. Pickups are contactless.

2. Our delivery to our customers is completed by a 3rd Party courier who are continuing to deliver contactless. 

3. Our pickup car is constantly sanitised and touch points wiped down at the beginning and end of every shift. Esky's used to collect meals are wiped down with disinfectant between pickups and hands sanitised and gloves changed between pickups.

4. All cooks and drivers are practising 1.5m social distancing at pickups, we are continuing social distancing measures in the warehouse.

5. Cooks and Warehouse staff are not permitted to cook/work if showing any signs of illness or if there is illness in the household. 

6. Hand sanitiser, gloves, masks and disinfectant wipes are readily available in the warehouse and in the pickup car. Cooks are practising safe hand hygiene in their homes.

We endeavour to keep the highest level of safety in our business. #staysafe everyone. 


Update 27/03/2020

It has been more than a week since we wrote our original Covid-19 Policy. To keep up with the rapid changes, and following the advice from NSW Health we are now implementing the following protocols across all of our kitchens:

1. Practise Good Hygiene

    • Wash hands frequently with soap and water
    • Use alcohol based sanitisers regularly
    • clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces such as benchtops, desks and doorknobs
    • clean and disinfect frequently used objects such as mobile phones, keys, wallets 
    • avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth (using masks wear needed)
    • do not cook whilst unwell or someone else is unwell in the family

2. Practise Social distancing

    • Stay at home unless absolutely necessary 
    • keep 1.5 metres away from others
    • avoid physical greetings such as handshaking, hugs and kisses
    • use tap and pay instead of cash
    • travel at quiet times and avoid crowds
    • avoid public gatherings and at risk groups

We are now picking up food from home kitchens completely contactless and deliveries to customer is also completely contactless. 

We are committed to operating safely and limiting the spread of the virus. #staysafe

Update 21/3/20

All FoodSt Cooks have now completed the NSW Health Covid-19 Infection Control Training and we want to re-iterate that all of our deliveries are contactless. We are committed to reducing the spread of the virus. 

Original Message: 13/3/2020

At FoodSt the health and safety of our community is our highest priority. In response to recent events we have outlined our COVID-19 Policy to keep our operations, food safety and hygiene protocols transparent.

The current recommendations from the World Health Organisation are as follows:
1. Stay aware of the latest information on the COVID-19 outbreak
2. Wash hands frequently
3. Maintain a safe distance from anyone coughing or sneezing 
4. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
5. Practice respiratory hygiene 

6. If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical advice early


FoodStandards Australia state that it is highly unlikely that the virus is transmitted through food, and to date there is no evidence of this occurring. 


Good hygiene and sanitation are always important when preparing food and all of our cooks and warehouse staff are currently trained and adhere to the Australian Food Act requirements for hygiene.

In the wake of this outbreak, our cooks and warehouse staff will continue to practice good hygiene including (but not limited to) frequently washing hands before, during and after cooking, avoiding cross contamination of foods and not working when unwell.
As an added precaution if anyone has suspected symptoms of a respiratory illness such as coughing, sneezing or fever they are required to not cook, seek medical advice and inform FoodSt management immediately. 
It is important to note that our staff and community of cooks are just as concerned about the risks of the outbreak for their own families as they are for their own businesses.
We partner with Australia’s leading refrigerated, food-specific courier service.  To prevent unnecessary contact between customers and drivers, and customers and the hand-held devices, our courier partner has rolled out new protocols for all drivers. 
If you are home for delivery, instead of handing you the box the drivers are now required to place the box down at your front door and take a photo as proof of delivery, or type in your name and sign on your behalf. If you are not home for delivery the drivers will as usual, leave the box at your requested place for delivery. 
FoodSt will continue to monitor updates and advice from the WHO website and Food Standards Australia (links below) and update our policy to reflect any new advice. If you have any questions please reach out.

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